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Shared Space, Shared Ministry

Writer's picture: Daniel PryfogleDaniel Pryfogle

What is the way forward for faith communities who seek the health of the city but face challenges of declining membership, shrinking revenue, and aging facilities? Maybe the way forward is together.

In early June I met with clergy and lay leaders of three Chicago congregations within walking distance of each other. They are reimagining life and ministry together. We did an “appreciative inquiry” — telling stories of moments when the three churches had been most faithful in sharing mission and space; then contemplating how the churches might build on these peak experiences.

The leaders created provocative propositions, which are goals that require stretching yet evoke the shared experience. They each drew their visions out of a single magazine (I always say one magazine has everything you need) and created collages with accompanying statements. Here’s one: “We will partner together to impact our communities by sharing each other’s spaces within our areas of expertise.”

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